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“Appo deepo bhava”

Let you be your own light, let you be guided by yourself.

This is the ultimate message from Buddha

to humanity when he was about to leave the body.

The transformation process from suffering to celebration

You have your own intelligence to run your life. However, it is interrupted by the societal conditionings from where and when we born. Once self-identity (the concept about “I-me”) is established, you lost your inborn innocence and ego appears. Ego is just inadequate cognition you are carrying to stop you from living with possibility. It always tells you about your negativity and make your resist in all new fresh ideas for transformation.

By bringing awareness to your being is the way to understand how ego happens in you. That is the very concept of LIGHT. Reclaiming our innocence back is the only way to awake our beings for the next level of transformation.


Understanding yourself is the first step of self-transformation, you need to ask these fundamental questions about you:

  • what is your blueprint of your life?

  • why is your blueprint set up in this way?

  • what kind of energy are you carrying?

  • how does the energy affects you?

  • how to modify the blueprint for moving on with the life as I want?


Creativity comes from innocence that you have enough confidence to face challenges in life so you can run your life effortlessly.   You will have lots of new fresh ideas to live with all kinds of people in all kinds of situations. You are never emotional but constantly in ecstasy radiating a passion of life.


Actions is the best way to let the energy flow in your system. Purification is easy to happen when the energy flows smoothly. Clarification, sharp intuition and a sense of calmness is the direct result when your system is purified. Body-mind actions bring out your awareness in your system so that you can regain your innocence.

LIGHT Reading Sessions

LIGHT Reading is the tool to help us to realise the setting of your life.  It guides you to look dee the root of your setting.  When you start the inner journey, you will experience the juicy of life.

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