The Beginner Series
Activity Pack
This program caters to 3 age bands.
Content will have the breadth and depth to cater to the cognitive development of children
Age 4-6
1-1.5 hour

Body intelligence, Power of listening, visualization & Creative expression
Age 7-10
2-2.5 hour

Body intelligence, Power of listening, visualization & verbalisation, Self-exploration
Age 11-13
3-4 hour

Body intelligence, Power of listening, visualization & verbalisation, Self-study & Communion
Beginners Series comprises 4 areas:
Creative Activities
Components of PKHY home-schooling program
Week 1 - Trial
Feeling Connection
Week 2-4
Module 1
Feeling Connection
Week 5-8
Module 2
Visualization is
Real Power
Week 9-12
Module 3
* 1 FREE
LIGHT Reading
Week 13-16
Module 4
* 1 Special FREE Session by Acharyas on clay-making of Ganesha & experience of Nithyata (Space of Eternity)
Sign up as a member to enjoy 1-week trial lesson plan
You are entitled to:
Orientation training for parents: 2-hr orientation
Trial: 1-week Parent’s Guide for “Feeling Connection” module
After the 1-week trial, if you decide to proceed with the rest of the modules, you can purchase by modules.
Module 1 “Feeling Connection”: 2nd to 4th week Parent’s Guide including books, e-forms, comics, sound tracks and weekly parent session
Module 2 “Visualization is REAL Power”: 5th to 8th week Parent’s Guide
Module 3 “Self-exploration”: 9th to 12th week Parent’s Guide with 1 LIGHT reading session
Module 4 “Communion”: 13th to 16th week Parent’s Guide with 1 special session on Lord Ganesha with PKHY teachers
Note: A PKHY support group will be created where customer services are provided throughout the valid period on e-platform
Click this link to register for next FREE Introductory Talk